Wulfsport Kit Bag Review

A long, long, long time ago when I entered my first motorcycle race, life was simple. I had one shirt and single pair of gardening gloves. Then there were two ex-Fire Service boots – one for each foot. Finally, I had a helmet and a pair of industrial safety goggles which I had liberated from work.

My Mum insisted on me taking a spare of underpants for personal hygiene reasons – although this was a luxury my van mate didn’t enjoy and which he refused to accept as anything other than a limp-wristed affectation.

Boots apart, which were thrown into the back of the van, this vast range of riding gear went into an ex-army duffle bag: cost $1.50 from our local Army surplus depot.

Now things are different and sadly the khaki duffle bag is no longer up to the job.

In 2014, I need clothing for wet and dry weather, spare gloves, spare visor, back protector, base layers to wick away the sweat and, heaven help us, a range of designer paddock clothing.

The answer to my problems came in the form of Wulfsport’s latest kit bag, a container so large that my room at college would fit inside it.

Bill Brown, the Head Honcho at Wulfsport, has been racing as long as me and shares my view regarding the problems faced by current riders. Bill said: “We wanted to make a bag which would take everything the modern racer needs and have room to spare. This is the one!”

Not only is the Wulfsport kit bag immense but it is also very clever. At its heart is heavy duty PVC bonded Cordura which is the best material on the market. The zips are heavy duty too and the carrying handles are serious addenda. In short, it’s a working specification rather than a fashion item.

There are three outer pockets of sufficient size to take boots and wet clothing so that these are separated from the skin moisturizer, hair gel, iPad and all the other accoutrements which the modern racer carries.

There are two sizes. For those with modest aspirations the smaller of the two bags is a mere 70 liters (18.5 gallons) while the grownups will want the real thing – the 110 liter, (29 gallon) Big Momma I have.

Wulfsport’s prices are savagely competitive. The large bag sells for around $42 while $45 buys the monster version. Personally, I wouldn’t consider anything but the big baby.